Friday, 12 February 2016

Mongo Unit Testing - Fongo

Unit testing with any database can be a bit of a pain.  However, with Mongo it is really easy thanks to a testing framework called Fake Mongo (fongo).  The Fongo Client implements the MongoClient interface in memory so is perfect for unit testing.

Maven Dependency



Now just inject an instance of Fongo anywhere that a MongoClient would have been used.

    final Fongo fakeMongo = new Fongo("FakeMongo");
    final MongoClient mongoClient = fakeMongo.getMongo();

Now just interact with the mongoClient as normal.  Add documents, delete, read etc

XML to Json

Converting XML to JSON without knowing the xsd schema is a really useful trick for storing data into mongo db.  I'm commenting this because although it is easy I don't want to forget!

Maven Dependency



    String data; // Xml as a string

    final JSONObject jsonObject = XML.toJSONObject(data);
    doc.put("data", BsonDocument.parse(jsonObject.toString()));
    doc.put("rawData", data);

Mongo & Java

Doing a search with Mongo using the Java driver is very simple.  Firstly use the mongo maven dependency in your pom.

Maven Dependency



Then you need a MongoClient.  This can just be created or you can inject it with spring.

    final MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(hostname, port));

or using spring....

    <bean id="mongoClient" class="com.mongodb.MongoClient">
            <util:list id="mongoServerAddresses" value-type="com.mongodb.ServerAddress">
                <bean class="com.mongodb.ServerAddress">
                    <constructor-arg value="localhost" />
                    <constructor-arg value="27017" />
                <bean class="com.mongodb.ServerAddress">
                    <constructor-arg value="localhost" />
                    <constructor-arg value="27018" />


Create a Document object and populate it,

    // Create the document to store in mongo.
    final Document doc = new Document();
    doc.put("timestamp", now.getTime());
    doc.put("data", BsonDocument.parse(data.toString()));

Write the document to the database

        final MongoCollection<Document> mongoCollection = mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName).getCollection(collection);
    catch (final Exception e)
        LOG.error("Error writing to mongodb", e);


    final MongoCollection mongoCollection = mongoClient.getDatabase(database).getCollection(collection);

    // Create a document to do the search with
    Bson bson = Filters.and(Filters.gte("timestamp", fromTime), Filters.lte("timestamp", toTime));
    bson = Filters.and(bson, Filters.eq("name", "fred")); 

    // Do the find request against the database.
    final FindIterable<Document> find = mongoCollection.find(bson);
    final MongoCursor<Document> cursor = find.iterator();

    // The results
    final List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>();

    // Loop through the results and put them into the match values.
    while (cursor.hasNext())
        final Document doc =;
        final Result result = new Result();

Alternatively you can just return all the values in the document by doing

    // Loop through the results and put them into the match values.
    while (cursor.hasNext())
        final Document doc =;
        final Result result = new Result();
        for (final Entry<String, Object> entry : doc.entrySet())
            result.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString());

Monday, 1 February 2016

JodaTime, XSD, XJC

For Java 1.7 and earlier JodaTime ( is a great replacement for the standard XML / XSD date time object that Java creates when using XJC.

From Java 1.8 onwards the date time support in Java is much better and is basically a JodaTime implementation (JSR310).

Specific Bindings

To use JodaTime create a bindings file which contains an XPath location to the correct element, such as,

    <jxb:bindings namespace="" schemaLocation="my-message.xsd">
            <jxb:package name="" />
        <jxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='Message']/xs:sequence/xs:element[@name='PublishDateTime']">
            <xjc:javaType name="org.joda.time.DateTime" adapter="" />    


The JodaDateTimeAdaptor will do the actual conversion and can be reused.

public class JodaDateTimeAdaptor
    extends XmlAdapter<String, DateTime>
     * Convert a DateTime to String.
     * @param datetime DateTime to be converted.
     * @return The value of datetime formatted as per ISO8601, or the empty string if date is null.
    public String marshal(final DateTime datetime)
        return datetime.toString();

     * Convert a String representation of a date into a Date object.
     * @param str String representation of a date/time, in the ISO8601. May be null or empty.
     * @return str converted to a Date object. If str is null or empty, null is returned.
    public DateTime unmarshal(final String str)
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0)
            return null;
        return DateTime.parse(str);

Global Bindings

Global bindings can also be used but these don't work when one XSD imports another and you want to use an adaptor on both.  You end up with a class name clash because the automatically generated Adaptors appear in a

However, for a single xsd or single project this may work.  To use the global bindings instead of the specific ones use

    <!-- generateName allows the typed enums -->
    <jxb:globalBindings typesafeEnumMemberName="generateName" >
        <jxb:serializable uid="1" />
        <!-- use JODA-Time DateTime for xs:date -->
        <jxb:javaType name="org.joda.time.DateTime" xmlType="xs:date"
        <jxb:javaType name="org.joda.time.DateTime" xmlType="xs:dateTime"