Friday, 29 July 2016

Angular JS Directive For Decimal Places

Here is a simple example for creating an Angular JS Directive.  In this particular case the input is limited to two decimal places but other code could be created here to limit the input in other ways.

Angular Directive

The directive is in javascript and needs to be imported into the page.

(function() {
    'use strict';

    angular.module('myApp').directive('limitedDecimalPlaces',['$filter', function ($filter) {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attr, ngModelCtrl) {

            if (!ngModelCtrl) return;

            function round(value)
                return Math.floor(value * 100) / 100;

            ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(function (value) {
            var cleanValue = value;
                if (value != value.toFixed(2))
                    cleanValue = (value) ? round(value) : value;
                return cleanValue;

The ngModelCtrl is the model controller for this angular input.
$parsers is an array of the parsers that are applied to this input.  $parsers.push adds the function to the array (push is a standard Arrays.push() javascript function)

ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(...) sets the value into the view part and must be a string.  Overall the function rounds the number to two decimal places if necessary and assigns it to the cleanValue.  This is then set into the view and returned so that the model is updated.  Whatever is returned from this function is what is set into the model.


The standard input can have this directive added to it so that the validation is wired into the input.

    <input type="number" name="myNumber" ng-model="myNumber" limited-decimal-places>

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

AEM Sightly Templates

When repetitive code is used within an html page, such as capturing an address, using a Sightly Template is really useful to avoid unnecessary duplication and improve maintenance.


The template can be created at the top of the page as

    <template data-sly-template.address> 
        <div class="address">
            Street:  <input type="text" name="street">
            Town: <input type="text" name="town">
            Postcode: <input type="text" name="postcode">


The template usage is very straight forward.  Simply use the Sightly 'call' function,

    <div data-sly-call="${address}"></div>

Separate File

As templates get bigger or for maintainability a separate file can be used.  AEM will do the work of gathering the template files together for a given page so there is no problem about the paths in AEM being available.

To use a separate file the template must be imported in the html page and then called with the extra selector which defines the file it lives in

    <template data-sly-template.address> 
        <div class="address">
            Street:  <input type="text" name="street">
            Town: <input type="text" name="town">
            Postcode: <input type="text" name="postcode">

Import the template file

    <div data-sly-use.details="address.html"></div>

The usage changes very slightly as it has to reference the import ('details') as well as the template ('address') within the file.

    <div data-sly-call="${details.address}"></div>

Using Parameters

Parameters can also be used within a template.  This is useful if you want the template to behave a particular way or if you want to name the fields slightly differently for each instance of the template.

    <template data-sly-template.address="${@ instance}"> 
        <div class="address">
            Street:  <input type="text" name="${instance}Street">
            Town: <input type="text" name="${instance}Town">
            Postcode: <input type="text" name="${instance}Postcode">

Here the instance of the template is passed in so that each of the fields can have a unique name even if the template is used multiple times.  In the example below the Invoice address and Delivery address can have different instances and therefore different names for the fields.

    <div data-sly-call="${details.address @ instance='InvoiceAddress'}"></div>

    <div data-sly-call="${details.address @ instance='DeliveryAddress'}"></div>
This usage of sightly to generate templates can be very useful.

Monday, 4 July 2016

AEM QueryBuilder

Here are some examples for using the AEM QueryBuilder.  This took me a bit of time to get used to so it is worth the memory jogger!

Basic Structure

The basic structure uses the AEM adaptTo() to get a QueryBuilder object.

Here the session and builder classes are obtained.  The Query is created with the map of search values (see later).  The SearchResults object would by default be paginated so setting the query.setHitsPerPage(Integer.MAX_VALUE) means we get everything we want.  An iterator is obtained so that we can loop through the results and convert to JSON or further filter if necessary.

    final Session session = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class);
    final QueryBuilder builder = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(QueryBuilder.class);
    final Query query = builder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(map), session);
    final SearchResult result = query.getResult();

    // Iterate over the results
    final Iterator<Resource> resources = result.getResources();

Query Map

The map of values is used to create a PredicateGroup.  This is a group of Predicate objects which are used to match the JCR values against.  The names of the properties will define the predicates that are created for that value.

Create a map to hold the search values.

    final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

The 'type' uses the TypePredicate

    map.put("type", "nt:unstructured");

The 'path' uses the PathPredicate

    map.put("path", "/content/mysite/mypages");

The 'boolproperty' defines a JcrBoolPropertyPredicate check. If the search is for 'false' then this is correct if the value is 'false' or not present at all.

    map.put("boolproperty", "live");

    map.put("boolproperty.value", "true");

A numeric range check is possible using the 'rangeproperty'.  This uses the RangePropertyPredicate. There are options for the lower and upper bounds.

    map.put("", "age");
    map.put("rangeproperty.lowerBound", age);
    map.put("rangeproperty.lowerOperation", ">=");
Note: even though this is numeric the value provided here should be a string

A number of properties can be matched against.  You can prefix with a #_ to allow multiple properties to be matched on.  These values use a JcrPropertyPredicate

    map.put("1_property", "firstname");
    map.put("1_property.value", "fred");
    map.put("2_property", "surname");
    map.put("2_property.value", "bloggs");


Get the Iterator from the PredicateGroup and loop through to see which Predicates have been created for your map.

Always add the values into the map as strings otherwise the predicates don't match.

Use the query debugger to check your map,
